
In this article, we will try to describe and explain the relationship between the Nitra canon Andrej Cvinček (1880 – 1949) and Jan Šrámek (1870 – 1956), the chairman of the Czechoslovak People’s Party (ČSL). It must be said at the outset that this is a rather complex topic, because there are not enough archival sources regarding their cooperation. In particular, sources of a letter nature are absent, which are of key and irreplaceable importance for the analysis of personalities’ relationships. However, the correspondence from the first two years of operation of the Slovak ČSL was preserved. Although the letters are mainly of a formal nature, they also tell about the opinions and plans of both politicians. They reveal their character, human qualities, work commitment and approach to party problems, thanks to which we also gain a better clarification of the beginnings of the ČSL in Slovakia. It is a set of seventeen letters from the period 1927 – 1929, which have not been the subject of deeper reflection in either Slovak or Czech historiography. According to the preserved correspondence, Cvinček and Šrámek met from December 27, 1926 in Brno and worked on the party’s Slovak program. Cvinček was gradually profiled as the spiritus movens of the party in Slovakia. In addition to the creation of the political program, personal matters also rested on his shoulders, which increased his authority. He became the manager of the ČSL in Slovakia. The article shows how Canon Andrej Cvinček was an important and necessary support for the party chairman Jan Šrámek in the beginnings of the Slovak ČSL.

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