
Questions of political participation in events of Civil war in Russia of armed groups of anti-Bolshevist forces, in the context of consideration of this major period in the history of the country, are fundamental for judgment of the happened accident. Having become almost only organized force capable to resist to the new arising statehood, the armed strength of opponents of the Soviet power has tried to play the leading role in political practice of white forces. The assessment of the received results allows understanding with big understanding the reasons of defeat of white forces in Civil war in the east of the country. With coming to power of the admiral A.V. Kolchak in east part of Russia the mode which had to represent individual dictatorship was set. However already the first political steps of opponents of the mode have called into question intentions of the power. The ataman G.M. Semenov who sought to head anti-Bolshevist forces in the region became one of the first opponents of the mode. The first attempts of the new power to bridle the ataman haven't brought positive result. Semenov's performance testified to absence of much-needed unity in camp of opponents of Bolsheviks. For counteraction to opponents of the mode the power used military force. Actually the army became the tool in hands of Kolchak who was used for dictatorship support. Army, without having experience of political work, I realized installations of the power. In practice of her activity there were receptions of repressive character: arrests, destruction of property, executions. Such measures, according to the power, had to provide elimination of political opponents of the mode. However the realized actions only shook the power. Crash of the Kolchak mode became a result.

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