
The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the features of political modernization in traditional societies on the example of the North Caucasus. The main attention is paid to contradictions and factors that generate crises of political modernization. The conditions of the modernization process, the structural components of traditional societies are revealed, the types of crises accompanying the modernization process are characterized, the factors that determine the success of modernization in transforming societies are analyzed. This article also attempts to delve into the essence of the specifics of political modernization in the North Caucasus. The author examines the problem of modernization through the prism of political, socio-economic, cultural and other features of the region, which are deeply interconnected and have common roots. The author concludes that the success of democratic transit depends on the presence in society of a mature social base, structured civil society institutions, an effective multiparty system, which, due to various circumstances, have not developed in the North Caucasus. An equally important factor hindering modernization in this region is the polyethnicity and multi-confessional society characteristic of the North Caucasus. Religion, which has a fairly strong position in the region, has a significant influence on political processes. The article also examines the role of ethnic elites, whose activities determine the specifics of relations in society.

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