
Part 1 Introduction: what is ideology? an historical approach the crucible of modernity. Part 2 Liberalism and democracy: Whigs and Republicans radicals and revolutionaries classical liberalism social liberalism and European politics American liberalism problems of democracy and liberalism. Part 3 Conservatism and the Right: French reactionary conservatism German romantic conservatism radical conservatism British conservatism post-war conservatism. Part 4 Nationalism and internationalism: revolutionary and romantic nationalism 19th-century nationalism anti-colonial nationalism pan-nationalism the coherence and autonomy of nationalism internationalism, federalism and conflict. Part 5 The varieties of socialism: primitive and classical socialisms utopian socialism international socialism British socialism social democracy in Britain European socialism since 1945. Part 6 Anarchism: individualist anarchism socialist anarchism anarchism and Marxism recent developments in anarchist theory fundamentals and criticisms. Part 7 Classical Marxism: Hegel, Marx and Engels the analysis of society and social change capitalism, revolution and human nature objections to Marx's theories revision and revolution the communist world after Lenin the new Left and after the collapse of communism.

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