
The urgency of the work is due to the fact that at the present stage of development political linguistics is considered one of the most rapidly developing and most promising areas of linguistics. The name of this direction indicates the subject of his research - political linguistics is engaged in the study of “political communication”, that is, speech activity that is oriented to the propagation of certain ideas, emotional impact and motivation of citizens to political actions, to accept and substantiate political and social decisions in the conditions of many points of view in society, for the development of public consent. The goal of political linguistics is to study the various relationships between the political state of society, the subjects of political activity, communication, thinking and language. That is why the main task of political linguistics is to study the relationship between subjects of political activity, communication, thinking, language and the political state of society. In modern linguistics, one of the most developing areas is political linguistics. This position can be defined as evidence of the extensive involvement of the society in political processes and, as a result, the increased interest of science in communication in the political sphere. The following research methods are used in this article: stylistic, syntactic and lexical-semantic analysis of fragments of texts; semiotic analysis; elements of the component analysis of lexical units; elements of content analysis; descriptive method and its main components (observation, interpretation, generalization). Foreign and domestic researchers turned to the study of various aspects of the pre-election discourse. In particular, the studies of Bazylev VN, Bokmelder DA, Budaeva EV, Vodak R., Repina EA, Chudinova AP are devoted to the political discourse. Bakumova EV, Baranova AN, Sineoki NA, Sheigala EI and other scientists. The work of such scientists as Borbotko VG, Karasik VI, Makarov ML, Cherniavskaya VE devoted to the study of cognitive linguistics, theory and history of discourse development in science. and others.

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