
Abstract Perhaps there are never too many different theories about the organization of society, ideas about the normative framework of life in a political community and suggestions on how to institutionalize the political system. Perhaps they go out in public too early. This could also apply to those reflections on society and to those political philosophies that bear the label of utopia. There is no doubt about the importance of such human investigations of what is and what should be. And there is no doubt about the usefulness of constantly imagining what it should be. However, analytical and explanatory caution is required when the word utopia is used to suggest the utopian nature of an idea. In other words, what looks like a utopia can already be presented to us as a provable and tangible fact, only that too many people do not perceive it for too long, and therefore it remains unfulfilled in social practice. Is this really a utopia? On the other hand, what may seem completely understandable, feasible or even self-evident can appear extremely utopian when it comes to the normative approaches to social regulation and the conditions for achieving a “better society.” The deviation of political practice and legal practice from what should be understandable or even self-evident according to the text of the constitution and international law, the findings of jurisprudence, philosophical insights and common sense in political decision-making and in the drafting and implementation of the applicable law is so great that, paradoxically, precisely that which is understandable, feasible or even self-evident appears utopian. And how can utopianism be combined with the realization that so many major and persistent social problems can be solved so easily and quickly - even if only by rethinking the legal system and social realm? How can a human being efficiently oppose neoliberal politics and unbridled capitalist practice, the poor functioning of the rule of law, the low quality of the welfare state, the excessive threat to fundamental human rights and freedoms, the inadequate protection of social rights, the insufficient commitment to the value of solidarity and the inadequate role and weakness of morality in social practice? Can the answers to fundamental social questions and solutions to the greatest problems only be found in a real and literal utopia? I do not believe so. I believe that communitarianism can be a good political alternative. Understood as social liberalism and as a social democracy based on the rule of law, morally founded on social solidarity as a fundamental value. I am convinced that the constitutions of the EU Member States and the EU legal order enable it. A strong and interventionist state is needed to realize the constitutional possibilities of a high-quality welfare state, effectively protected social rights, the realized social function of property and a society based on solidarity. Ideas are needed. Even if they seem so crazy, even if they seem utopian. In these times when the devil has taken the joke away, when people are again protesting massively in the streets, when they protest (unsuccessfully, of course), when it is difficult to know exactly what is happening and why, when more and more people are increasingly confused and frightened, when systemic violence increasingly turns into physical violence, when it is difficult to remain calm and thoughtful, when it is difficult to tame anger and rage..., it is necessary to step out of the existing coordinate system, out of the cube, to form and communicate ideas that seem crazy, utopian... Now, right now, ideas are needed, crazy ideas. We need a utopia. And faith and hope in it. Faith and hope, which will be the driving force of active action, of striving for realization – of a utopia.


  • Perhaps there are never too many different theories about the organization of society, ideas about the normative framework of life in a political community and suggestions on how to institutionalize the political system

  • I will sketch the basic characteristics of social events and the functioning of the political process, which I can describe as a “consequence” or “backlog”, perhaps even as “debris” of what began during the official 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and continued into time after its official end

  • I will reflect from the perspective of political science and political philosophy on political alternatives for the future of constitutional democracy - in Slovenia and in Europe

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In this article I will try to do three things. First, I will sketch the basic characteristics of social events and the functioning of the political process, which I can describe as a “consequence” or “backlog”, perhaps even as “debris” of what began during the official 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and continued into time after its official end. I will try to formulate some short conclusions and theses for the future on the basis of the central part of the article - politics, the functioning of the political process, political alternatives for the future and the existence of constitutional democracy as such In this part I will include the main features of current social events in Slovenia, which on the one hand show the great desire and need of a growing number of people to “change something”, “move for the better”, and on the other hand the existence of the status quo in dead end, in the repetition of already seen and experienced approaches of daily politics, which, as so many times before, “scream” so to speak, that positive social changes are urgently needed “for the better,” but at the same time nothing really happens, does not move or change - for the better.

What Is Left Of The Experience With An Official 2020 Pandemic?
Political Morality As Utopia And Social Reality As Post-Ethics?
Post-Politics And The Redefinition Of Human Rights And Freedoms27
From The Reality Back And Forth Again Towards Utopianism44
Backlogs Of Civil Liberty47
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