
The article raises a topical problem of intercultural communication. On the basis of the vocabulary of the names of dishes and kitchen utensils, recorded in 61 dialects in the territory of the Eastern Sloboda, and the included in the register of three dialect dictionaries of Polissya, a structural-semantic analysis of the common and distinctive features of the ancient and the new dialectal continuum has been carried out.
 It is noted that intercultural relations have repeatedly become the subject to many scientific studies. In articles devoted to this issue, scientists focus on the identification and functioning of lexical parallels in adjacent or distant dialect systems. On the example of various thematic groups, scientists consider the semantic relations of the vocabulary of comparable dialects, the features of the creation of the identified parallel representatives, and track their specific features.
 In a comparative analysis of the declared segments of the vocabulary, it was found that it can be conditionally divided into several groups, which include semantically identical names; lexemes with close meaning; demonstrators with different semantic content. It has been established that the names recorded in the Eastern Sloboda dialects are often associated with the names characteristic of the Polissya dialect area, with variance relations. Thus, numerous cases of lexical parallels have been traced, the representatives of which with common semantics do not have differences in the formal structure. However, sometimes units with identical semantics may differ in phonetic, grammatical, and word-formation features. Occasionally, there are cases when the demonstrators of the semes in question demonstrate both semantic differences and differences in formal design.

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