
AbstractThe Pleistocene stratigraphy of Poland is based on palynological analyses of buried organic lake sediments and dating with radiocarbon or thermoluminescence (TL), as well as on the lithologic-petrographical analyses of tills and other glacigenic deposits to which TL-dating was also applied. Rarely were sediments of the stratotype interglacial profiles to which palaeomagnetic methods and TL-dating were applied, examined by mineralogical, chemical and isotopie б180 and б13С analyses, except the Augustovian, Mazovian and Eemian interglacials. The data was recorded in both exposures and boreholes. Overall, tills of 8 glaciations have been identified: Narevian (Menapian), Nidanian, Sanian 1 (Elsterian 1), Sanian 2 (Elsterian 2), Liviecian (Fuhne), Krznanian (Drenthe), Wartanian (Warthe) and Vistulian (Weichselian). Substantial palynological evidence with complete pollen sequences and absolute dating exists for organic sediments of five interglacials: Augustovian (Bavelian Complex or Cromerian I), Ferdynandovian (Voigtstedt), Mazovian (Holstein), Zbójnian (Dömnitz) and Eemian. Other interglacials i.e. Malopolanian (Cromer Complex - II or III Interglacial) and Lubavian (Schöningen) are not sufficiently supported palynologically and especially the stratigraphie position and age of the Lubavian Interglacial is debated.

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