
The article describes the basic principles of Polish cultural policy during the post-communist governments (2001–2005) in the context of the activities of the National Heritage Institute, the National Center for Culture and the Center for International Cultural Cooperation «Institute of Adam Mickiewicz»established by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland. Special attention is given to the organizational and project activities of the institutions, their dependence on changing political vectors, and their role in promoting Polish history and culture abroad. Formed in the late XXth century the conservative principles of representation of the Polish national heritage, based on the tradition, identity, reproduction of national models, were partially transformed during the run of power of the Polish post-communist governments led by the Democratic Left Alliance party in 2001–2005. The return of the post-communists to power for the Polish conservatives and liberals, who were considered the heirs of the opposition «Solidarity» movement, was a time of forming the foundations of a «new historical policy» based on a broad national narration and necessity of promoting Polish exclusive culture and history abroad. Activities, within the Ministry of Culture, of institutions responsible for promoting polish culture, in particular through organizing the «Year in Poland», Scholarship Program for artists and translators «Gaude Polonia», and exhibition activities, marked the birth of new qualities of promotion of Poland abroad. The accession of the Republic of Poland to the European Union, integration into the pan-European cultural market was also reflected in the formation of a new cultural product and the attempts to become involved in European financial programs aimed at culture. The implementation of the «new historical policy», especially after the 2005 elections and the coming to power of the conservative Law and Justice party, became a partly counterpart of such activity. Keywords Republic of Poland, cultural policy, institution of culture, Institute of National Heritage, National Center for Culture, Center for International Cultural Cooperation «Adam Mickiewicz Institute».

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