
ABSTRACT Most community college (CC) students nationwide aspire to transfer from CC to a 4-year baccalaureate granting institution, yet most students who aspire to transfer never achieve this goal. Cross-enrollment, facilitated enrollment in a course at a four-year college while simultaneously enrolled in classes at a CC, is one policy that may increase transfer rates. Our study is motivated by low uptake of this opportunity. We conducted 12 semi-structured focus groups with a diverse sample of California CC students to understand their perceptions related to cross-enrollment opportunities. Three themes emerged from our study: (1) cross-enrollment information is inaccessible, (2) sense of belonging and self-efficacy influence student perceptions of cross-enrollment, and (3) cross-enrollment is met with both enthusiasm and apprehension. We discuss the challenges and benefits to cross-enrollment that students consider and several recommendations, suggested by students themselves, to reduce barriers to cross-enrollment and transfer pathways.

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