
Character value is an important asset for the Indonesian nation. Strong character values can form a society that is noble, tolerant, and democratic. The development of character values in Indonesia has been a concern of the government for a long time. This study aims to examine policies in the development of character values in Indonesia, especially Purwakarta Regency, West Java. This research uses qualitative research methods. The data collection technique in this research was carried out by literature study obtained from Google Schoolar. The data that has been collected is then analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results show that the procedures for developing character values in Purwakarta Regency are regulated in Regent Regulation number 69 of 2015 concerning character education. This regulation not only outlines the process of teaching and learning activities, but also provides guidance to teachers, especially homeroom teachers, to monitor the character of students inside and outside the classroom. The implementation of the policy is done by utilizing local wisdom in Purwakarta district, which is applied through formal education institutions with a structured special seven-day program. This program succeeds in shaping students' character and improving students' life skills.

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