
This article discusses the evaluation of merit system policies in the implementation of selection for High Leadership Positions in Regional Government Agencies. According to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN Law) has brought a new foundation in bureaucratic reform of apparatus resources. This law brings a breath of change to create an apparatus that is professional, has integrity, is neutral and free from political interests. This topic is important because, so far, research on JPT selection is still dominated by matters of administrative and procedural suitability. In fact, the merit system in the theory of meritocracy and Weberian bureaucracy emphasizes aspects of transparency and equal access for each candidate. Therefore, it is important to carry out research regarding studies of equality of access and career opportunities in JPT selection at the Regional Government Agency level. This research data was obtained through literature study in the form of a literature review. The author found that there are non-merit aspects in the JPT selection process in several Regional Government Agencies studied. The author recommends the need to develop a JPT selection model that prioritizes the merit aspect for better bureaucracy. The implementation of the JPT Pratama open selection within the Riau Provincial Government has been running in accordance with Perman PAN-RB Number 13 of 2014. However, the implementation of this policy has not fully met expectations, because ASN interest and motivation to take part in the selection is still low.

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