
AbstractDielectric metasurfaces composed of subwavelength resonators are widely employed for manipulating electromagnetic waves over a broad frequency spectrum ranging from microwaves to optics. Here, a novel type of metasurfaces, created by a periodic lattice of elliptical holes fabricated in a thin dielectric membrane, is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Such membrane metasurfaces demonstrate polarization‐selective behavior, and they change their specific functionality from a reflective magnetic mirror, for one polarization, to a transparent Huygens' surface, for the orthogonal polarization. Such a polarization dependence is achieved by manipulating the interference of Mie‐resonant multipoles through optimizing the design of the elliptic holes in the dielectric membrane. Such membrane metasurfaces can be employed as flat components with polarization‐multiplexed functionalities, bringing benefits for the integration of ultracompact signal manipulation systems.

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