
The main duty of Satpol PP (The Municipal Police - Civil Service Police Unit) is to regulate and maintain the security of the community, but in reality municipal police organization holds its bad image toward the community, this bad image is more attached to the municipal police officers themselves. On this basis, the study aims to describe the patterns of communication within the body of Satpol PP organizations, particularly in Central Jakarta. This is because of Central Jakarta is one of the strategic area for street vendors to sell their goods. Moreover, the location is near from National Monument as a center of tourism destination for local or foreign tourists. The formulation of research problems is how the communication patterns of Satpol PP organizations in curbing the cadger in Central Jakarta. The research applies the organizational communication theory of Human Relations School, and includes the concept of organizational communication patterns such as message flow in the organization, communication network, organizational communication atmosphere and organizational leadership patterns. The method of research used is a case study with a qualitative approach. The results show that the Satpol PP organization in DKI Jakarta (central Jakarta) style has persuasive and informative communication, the message flow is in one direction and in both directions between the leaders and the officers of the Satpol PP, more formal communication networks, and the leadership pattern is democratic. Based on the theory of human relations school, the communication between the leaders and the officers of Satpol PP is more humane approach based persuasive communication and interpersonal communication.


  • The main duty of Satpol PP (The Municipal Police - Civil Service Police Unit) is to regulate and maintain the security of the community, but in reality municipal police organization holds its bad image toward the community, this bad image is more attached to the municipal police officers themselves

  • The study aims to describe the patterns of communication within the body of Satpol PP organizations, in Central Jakarta

  • The results show that the Satpol PP organization in DKI Jakarta style has persuasive and informative communication, the message flow is in one direction and in both directions between the leaders and the officers of the Satpol PP, more formal communication networks, and the leadership pattern is democratic

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Kerangka Teoritis Pola komunikasi organisasi

Komunikasi organisasi yaitu proses penyampaian pesan atau informasi keseluruh bagian-bagian organisasi. Proses ini berhubungan dengan arus informasi di dalam organisasi. Orang-orang yang menggunakan gaya komunikasi ini dikenal dengan nama komunikator satu arah atau one-way communications. The controlling style of communication ini sering dipakai untuk mempersuasi orang lain supaya bekerja dan bertindak secara efektif, dan pada umumnya dalam bentuk kritik. 1. Downward communication (komunikasi kepada bawahan) adalah arus pesan yang mengalir dari atasan atau para pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Komunikasi kebawah adalah untuk menyampaikan tujuan, untuk merubah sikap, membentuk pendapat, mengurangi ketakutan dan kecurigaan yang timbul karena salah informasi, mencegah kesalahpahaman karena kurang informasi dan mempersiapkan anggota organisasi untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan. Pesan ini biasanya berhubungan dengan tugas – tugas atau tujuan kemanusiaan, seperti koordinasi, pemecahan masalah, penyelesaian konflik dan saling memberikan informasi. Dalam suasana yang seperti itu tidak ada kesempatan bagi karyawan untuk bertanya apalagi untuk mengajukan pendapat atau saran

Tipe Paternalistik
Metode Penelitian
Hasil Penelitian Gaya Komunikasi
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