
KH. Ma'ruf Irsyad is one of the Kiai from Kudus city who is very consistent and eager in fighting for the teachings of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. Besides being active in the PCNU management of Kudus Regency, he also actively campaigned aswaja teachings through madrasa and majlis ta'lim. According to him, Aswaja is the best way to carry out Islamic teachings because Aswaja was pioneered by the Salaf scholars whose scientific sanad continued to the Prophet and his companions. Kiai Ma'ruf refused propaganda “back to the Qur'an and Hadith” because digging Islamic teachings from its immediate source is not an easy matter that can be done by just anyone. Without the tools of science and high integrity, exploring Islamic teachings directly from the source will actually lead to being lost and misleading. Therefore, the safest way to practice Islam is by following the salaf scholars. This article discusses the important points of the teachings of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah according to KH. Ma'ruf Irsyad Kudus. There are nine points presented by KH. Ma'ruf Irsyad about the Aswaja teachings, namely: using mizan al-syar'i, consistent with the truth, maintaining unity, following the salaf scholars, prioritizing the Shari'a rather than reason, the Shari'ah as a measure of good and bad, taqwa in all conditions, benefiting humans, doing sincerely.


  • the best way to carry out Islamic teachings because al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah (Aswaja) was pioneered by the

  • Salaf scholars whose scientific sanad continued to the Prophet

  • the safest way to practice Islam is by following the salaf scholars

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12 Journal for Aswaja Studies

Berdasarkan sumber asli yakni al-Qur’an dan Hadits dalam konteks situasi dan kebutuhan kontemporer. Selain mengasuh pesantren yang ia gawangi sendiri pasca meninggalnya sang Kakak, kiai Ma’ruf juga mengajar di berbagai madrasah besar di kota Kudus seperti madrasah Qudsiyyah, TBS, Banat, Muallimat, dan Madrasah Diniyah Mu’awanatul Muslimin. Ma'ruf Irsyad adalah salah satu kiai di daerah pantura yang cukup getol dalam mengkampanyekan ajaran Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Beliau selalu menekankan kepada masyarakat agar mengikuti ajaran Ahl al-Sunnah wa alJama’ah yang telah dijalankan para salaf alshalih dengan sanad yang jelas hingga sampai kepada Rasulullah Saw. Di berbagai tempat, kiai Ma’ruf juga mewanti-wanti kepada masyarakat agar tidak tergoda dengan paham-paham “baru” yang mempropagandakan slogan kembali kepada al-Qur’an Hadits. Terkait dengan ajaran Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah tesebut, ada beberapa poin penting yang selalu disampaikan oleh kiai Ma’ruf dalam berbagai kesempatan.

Menjaga pesatuan Saat ini umat Islam dihadapkan pada
Mengikuti para ulama salaf
Beramal dengan ikhlas
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