
Like-charged macromolecules typically repel each other in aqueous solutions that contain small mobile ions. The interaction tends to turn attractive if mobile ions with spatially extended charge distributions are added. Such systems can be modeled within the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann formalism by explicitly accounting for charge-charge correlations within the spatially extended ions. We consider an aqueous solution that contains a mixture of spherical nanoparticles with uniform surface charge density and small mobile salt ions, sandwiched between two like-charged planar surfaces. We perform the minimization of an appropriate free energy functional, which leads to a non-linear integral-differential equation for the electrostatic potential that we solve numerically and compare with predictions from Monte Carlo simulations. Nanoparticles with uniform surface charge density are contrasted with nanoparticles that have all their charges relocated at the center. Our mean-field model predicts that only the former (especially when large and highly charged particles) but not the latter are able to mediate attractive interactions between like-charged planar surfaces. We also demonstrate that at high salt concentration attractive interactions between like-charged planar surfaces turn into repulsion.

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