
The material is devoted to the analysis of the main mechanisms and comparative assessment of the effectiveness of various options for the cutaneous use of essential oils in dorsopathies.Materials and methods. 90 patients (women and men) with exacerbation of lumbosacral dorsopathy were selected. In the course of the study, along with neurological, psychological and electrophysiological analysis was carried out. The observed individuals were divided into three randomized groups, each of 30 people in which standard treatment was performed standard treatment. In addition to this, in the first two, main groups, a mixture of essential oils was used: in the 1st group by massaging the lumbosacral zone, in the 2nd – biopuncture, with its application to the area of segmental and distant acupuncture points In the 3rd, control group, sesame oil was applied to the area of the same points as a placebo.Results and conclusion. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of both types of use of essential oils, exceeding, at the level of reliability, the indicators of the control group. However, in the main groups, the rates of sustained analgesia varied, achieved on average after 7.2 procedures in the 1st and 5.5 in the 2nd group. In a similar proportion, the final intensity of pain also decreased – by 51.7 and 65%, respectively, compared with the initial one. According to the delayed assessment performed after six months, exacerbations of the process in the control group were noted in a third of patients, while in the main groups they were observed in a comparably smaller number. Nevertheless, there are differences in the severity of periodically occurring algia: in the 2nd group they increased slightly, while in others they increased to a significantly greater extent. At the same time, the data of rheovasograms testified in favor of greater stability of the results in the 2nd group. The noted advantage of biopuncture with essential oils can be explained by the cumulative effect inherent in the methods of reflexology. In addition, this technique, given the physiology, can be an addition to more aggressive types (classical acupuncture, electrical stimulation) of physical exposure.

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