
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global public health. In the last five years, governments across the world have been developing initiatives alongside the pharmaceutical industry to tackle AMR through ‘responsible use’ policy interventions. We reviewed the current initiatives targeted towards the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals (HCPs) to evaluate the impact they have had in tackling AMR. A structured literature search of online sources was conducted to find publications relating to educational campaigns implemented by governments and industry to tackle AMR. Searches were limited from 2013–present. Several HCP-targeted initiatives have been introduced by government bodies in recent years, including the ‘Antibiotic Guardian’ behavioural change campaign. The campaign was launched in 2014 and aims to increase commitment from HCPs and the public to reduce AMR through online pledges. After initial success in the UK, the programme has been expanded across many other European countries. The campaign has been qualitatively evaluated in several studies and found to be effective in increasing commitment of HCPs and the public to reduce AMR. The pharmaceutical industry is also developing initiatives and investing in reducing AMR on a larger scale. The AMR Industry Alliance comprises of over 100 life sciences companies, across 20 countries worldwide. These companies have partnered to reduce the development of AMR, invest in R&D to meet global public health needs and improve access to high-quality antibiotics. In the last five years, governments, industry and HCPs have operated at different levels of the healthcare system to develop education programmes like ‘Antibiotic Guardians’ to have a positive impact on reducing AMR. Although the long-term impacts of these educational campaigns have yet to be evaluated, short term outcomes demonstrate that campaign engagement results in positive behavioural changes towards antibiotic use.

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