
The objective of this article is to analyze enunciative elements referring to the criteria for choosing the textbook from the Call for Proposals for the Registration and Evaluation Process of Didactic Works for the PNLD 2020 National Book and Teaching Material Program (BRASIL, 2018) , in a critical perspective regarding the effective inclusion of the Deaf and Deaf in the Brazilian educational political-pedagogical context, observing what has been produced as school material to support Portuguese Language classes. The hypothesis of this analysis is that the choice of the textbook will be permeated by the discourse of diversity, the inclusive look, the respect for identities through the bias of compliance with Law 10.436 / 2002 - Libras Law - in elementary school books II, 6th to the 9th year, as well as the recognition of the “Deaf Bodies” and their places as social subjects of law, proposing critical discursive reflections on the spaces historically denied in textbooks, at school, in the classroom, even reflecting on the BNCC / 2017 - diversified part. The methodology used is presented through bibliographic analysis dialoguing with national official documents, in order to broaden new horizons in the Brazilian educational construct, pointing out other ways for new selection criteria and choice of books, in addition to hegemonic impositions. Therefore, a dialogue is proposed between Foucault (2013; 2004), Azevedo; Piris (2016), Piris; Azevedo (2018), Pennycook (2003; 1998), Bakhtin (2003, 1998, 1999), Volochinov (2017); Orlandi (2003); Strobel (2009), Grigoletto (2011) and other bibliographies referring to the conceptions of voices, speeches, bodies and power, whose final perspective is to open reflections for new discussions.

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