
Ovarian cancer is a highly lethal malignancy in the field of oncology. Generally speaking, the segmentation of ovarian medical images is a necessary prerequisite for the diagnosis and treatment planning. Therefore, accurately segmenting ovarian tumors is of utmost importance. In this work, we propose a hybrid network called PMFFNet to improve the segmentation accuracy of ovarian tumors. The PMFFNet utilizes an encoder-decoder architecture. Specifically, the encoder incorporates the ViTAEv2 model to extract inter-layer multi-scale features from the feature pyramid. To address the limitation of fixed window size that hinders sufficient interaction of information, we introduce Varied-Size Window Attention (VSA) to the ViTAEv2 model to capture rich contextual information. Additionally, recognizing the significance of multi-scale features, we introduce the Multi-scale Feature Fusion Block (MFB) module. The MFB module enhances the network's capacity to learn intricate features by capturing both local and multi-scale information, thereby enabling more precise segmentation of ovarian tumors. Finally, in conjunction with our designed decoder, our model achieves outstanding performance on the MMOTU dataset. The results are highly promising, with the model achieving scores of 97.24%, 91.15%, and 87.25% in mACC, mIoU, and mDice metrics, respectively. When compared to several Unet-based and advanced models, our approach demonstrates the best segmentation performance.

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