
While partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) as applied in information systems (IS) is on the rise, there still remain crucial challenges such as model specification and interpretations. As such, the present study examines IS research design via the PLS-SEM technique, modeling, specifications and interpretations. Though the limited use of PLS-SEM has been noticed in IS too, in contrast, PLS-SEM is increasingly becoming the approach of choice to authenticate and model concepts. Such authentication of conceptual models has primarily been directed and coordinated through the assessment of modelling, specifications and interpretation of PLS-SEM. In IS scholarship (e.g.: FinTech, EdTech, AgriTech) or community (e.g.:postgraduates, novice, and experienced researchers), comprehending the processes that precede the assessment of modelling, specifications and interpretation are paramount in second generation techniques (PLS-SEM). In response to such importance, a systematic analysis of extant work is analysed. The analysis is based on influencers of PLS-SEM technique, with reference on ease of modelling, specifications and interpretation. Based on the importance of the procedures that precede the modelling, specifications and interpretation as opposed to first generation techniques (multiple regressions), the contribution is to present an all-inclusive IS related-approach using PLS-SEM.

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