
Pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary glands of hard palate is a rare benign tumour. It usually presents as slow growing submucosal mass on hard palate. The purpose of this study was to collect observational data regarding age, size, symptoms, CT findings and treatment of pleomorphic adenoma of hard palate. The prospective observational study was done in the Department of ENT, Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery at SKIMS Medical College and at Peoples Care Polyclinic for a period of 2years. Twenty cases were enrolled in the study. After clinical suspicion, computed tomography, FNAC and core needle biopsy was done in all twenty cases before any surgical intervention was done. Most common age group seen to be involved was 16-30 years. Most common symptom was submucosal slow growing mass. Core biopsy was diagnostic with 100% efficacy. On CT scan twelve patients (60%) were seen to have intact hard palate even without minor erosions while four patients had full thickness erosion of hard palate. Surgical wide excision was done in all cases and one patient needed total maxillectomy. All treated patients were followed for one year and none showed signs of recurrence. Pleomorphic adenoma of hard palate is usually seen in adults. Definitive diagnosis lies on histopathological examination. CT is necessary for ruling out any bony erosion. Treatment is by wide local excision.

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