
The crystal and molecular structure of trans-[Ptl2(PMe3)2] has been determined. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/n, with a= 8.845(6), b= 10.298(8), c= 7.936(5)Å, β= 95.12(4)°, and Z= 2. Intensities have been measured by diffractometer and the structure solved by the heavy-atom method and refined to R 0.041. The crystal comprises discrete centrosymmetric molecules wrth only small deviations from square-planar co-ordination [Pt–P 2.315(4) and Pt–I 2.599(2)Å]. The intramolecular H ⋯ I distances are longer than in trans-[PtI2{P(C6H11)3}2]. The configuration of the cyclohexyl groups of the P(C6H11)3 ligands is determined by H ⋯ H interactions and leads to strong H ⋯ I interactions between hydrogen atoms on two α-carbon atoms and the Iodide ligands, with consequent lengthening of the Pt–P and Pt–I bonds in trans-[PtI2{P(C6H11)3}2]. The coupling constants 1J(Pt–P) for trans-di-iodo(tricyclohexylphosphine) complexes are larger than expected, probably due to large |ΨPt,6s(0)|2/(3ΔE) terms for complexes with bonds lengthened by steric repulsions.

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