
The contribution of von Willebrand factor (vWF)-platelet binding to platelet-collagen interaction was examined in vitro. The binding of vWF to platelets was mediated and regulated by ristocetin. Subthreshold concentrations of ristocetin (less than or equal to 1 mg/mL), insufficient to cause ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA), were added to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) prior to the addition of collagen. The collagen-induced platelet aggregation (CIPA) was modified by ristocetin and the degree of alteration was dependent on the ristocetin concentration. Response as a function of ristocetin concentration was designated the Collagen-Platelet Aggregation Response (CoI-PAR). In normal PRP the CoI-PAR was a progressive inhibition followed by decreasing inhibition and then an enhanced response. The enhanced response occurred over a narrow range of ristocetin concentrations (0.8 to 1.0 mg/mL). In the absence of vWF (severe von Willebrand's disease, Type I, vWF less than 1%) the CoI-PAR was a progressive, eventually complete inhibition with no enhanced response (with ristocetin concentrations up to 3.0 mg/mL). With addition of vWF to this PRP an enhanced response was observed at a ristocetin concentration inversely proportional to the vWF level. PRP from a patient with severe Hemophilia A showed a response within the normal range. Subthreshold ristocetin did not cause plasma protein precipitation or platelet release of 3H-serotonin, nor induce micro platelet aggregate formation. Digestion of platelet membrane glycoproteins (GP(s] with chymotrypsin demonstrated that upon removal of GPI, RIPA was absent, CIPA retained and the CoI-PAR was progressive inhibition, with no enhancement. With removal of GPs I, II, and III, RIPA, CIPA, and the CoI-PAR were absent. A dose-response 125I-vWF- platelet binding occurred with increasing ristocetin concentrations which was unchanged by the addition of collagen. These results demonstrated that ristocetin-platelet association inhibited CIPA, and vWF-platelet binding enhanced platelet-collagen adhesion and platelet aggregation. The in vitro-enhanced CIPA represents a vWF-dependent aggregation of sufficient magnitude to overcome the inhibitory effect of ristocetin. These studies demonstrate an influential interaction of ristocetin, vWF, and collagen with the platelet membrane and imply an important hemostatic contribution of vWF-platelet binding in platelet- collagen interaction.

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