
Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems faced by Indonesia as the second largest contributor of plastic waste to the oceans in the world. The leakage of plastic waste from land to sea is generally caused by the lack of waste management in Indonesia. There are still many unsafe waste management practices carried out by Indonesian people. Therefore, an assessment and evaluation of waste management is needed to determine the appropriate intervention in waste management so as to reduce the leakage of plastic waste into the environment. Plastic Flow Diagram (PFD) applies the principle of Material Flow Analysis (MFA) that can rapidly and systematically assess the plastic waste management system and show the fates of plastic waste in the environment. The results of mapping the plastic waste flow show that waste handling in Banyuwangi Subdistrict and Negara Subdistrict has reached the national target that is 86,63% and 81,89%. Meanwhile, waste handling in Muncar Subdistrict and Jembrana Subdistrict is still far from the target, as much as 39,77% and 34,54%. Plastic waste leakage occurs at every stage of waste management. However, the highest leakage comes from sources. Platic waste that leaks into the environment ends up in drainage system, enters water bodies, retained on land, and burnt.

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