
Hypogonadal female mice, genetically deficient in gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), respond to preoptic area (POA) grafts obtained from normal fetal or neonatal mice with increased gonadotropin levels, ovarian and uterine development and continual vaginal estrus rather than spontaneous ovulatory cyclicity. Previous studies showed that such mice became pregnant following one overnight pairing with a normal male, indicating reflex ovulation. The present study evaluated plasma LH concentrations in relation to mating. Plasma LH levels in the hpg females with POA grafts were significantly elevated 10 min following the male partner's ejaculation, but were no different than baseline at 30, 60 or 120 min following the male's ejaculation. The post-copulatory plasma LH levels of 3.0 ± 0.6 ng/ml (mean±S.E.M.) were considerably lower than proestrous LH surge seen in the normal females in the colony (16.8 ± 4.8 ng/ml), but in at least 4 of 10 hpg mice the levels were sufficient to induce ovulation as proved by pregnancy following this single mating. Grafts contained GnRH-reactive cells and fibers that projected to the median eminence of the host brains.

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