
AbstractA small‐plot field experiment on grazed hill country pastures in the North Island of New Zealand was conducted to examine the productivity and compositional characteristics of swards in response to variation in pasture species diversity. The balanced incomplete factorial design incorporated variation in location, slope, soil fertility and combinations of eight plant functional groups (C4 grasses, annual grasses, annual legumes, perennial C3 grasses, perennial legumes, perennial forbs, ryegrass and browntop). Net herbage accumulation and botanical composition were measured at 18 months (spring) and 24 months (autumn) after oversowing following application of a systemic herbicide. Analysis of variance indicated a significant positive relationship between the number of functional groups sown and herbage accumulation of the sown species in spring, but not with total herbage accumulation. Regression analysis showed that herbage accumulation was also affected by the identity of the functional groups. However, the statistical models indicated that pasture productivity was most strongly influenced by site factors. There was a significant negative relationship between both the number and herbage accumulation of unsown species and the number of functional groups sown, indicating a positive relationship between diversity and resistance to invasion by unsown species. A comparison of the vegetation between the plots before and after oversowing showed that those more diverse prior to sowing returned to their initial composition more rapidly, evidence that diverse vegetation was more resilient in the face of disturbance.

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