
This study aims to analyze and discover the principal's supervision plan in improving the performance of educators and education staff at SMPIT Ar Rahmah Pacitan and MTs. Al Anwar Pacitan. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, non-participant observation and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model, namely data compaction, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Data were analyzed from single case and cross case data. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The results showed that planning for supervising school principals in improving the performance of educators and education staff, namely the principal preparing supervision programs, setting supervision objectives, compiling supervision schedules, setting supervision targets, setting budgets, and forming supervising supporting teams, establishing procedures and conducting outreach . The formal finding of this research is to develop the planning theory developed by Louis A. Allen. The planning theory developed by Louis A. Allen does not include: setting targets, forming a supervision team, and program outreach. All findings that are not included in the planning theory developed by Louis A. Allen are novelty findings.

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