
Abstract Measuring reflection properties of a 3D object involves capturing images for numerous viewing and lightingdirections. We present a method to select advantageous measurement directions based on analyzing the estimationof the bi‐directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). The selected directions minimize the uncertaintyin the estimated parameters of the BRDF. As a result, few measurements suffice to produce models that describethe reflectance behavior well. Moreover, the uncertainty measure can be computed fast on modern graphics cardsby exploiting their capability to render into a floating‐point frame buffer. This forms the basis of an acquisitionplanner capable of guiding experts and non‐experts alike through the BRDF acquisition process. We demonstratethat spatially varying reflection properties can be captured more efficiently for real‐world applications using ouracquisition planner. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three‐DimensionalGraphics and Realism Virtual Reality I.4.1 [Computer Vision]: Digitization and Image Capture, Reflectance

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