
The new research reactor FRM-II near Munich has a strong positron source, which delivers an intense, nearly monoenergetic positron beam. Our positron systems, the pulsed low energy positron source (PLEPS) and the scanning positron microscope (SPM) will be operated at this beam. Some aspects of matching these systems to the new positron source will be discussed. Considerable improvements are expected, e.g. more than 10 5 s −1 recorded events at PLEPS and sub-micrometre resolution at SPM. They will enable investigations in so far inaccessible problems like the evaluation of annihilation characteristics and trapping constants of individual defects or studies of fast dynamical processes. In applied materials science complex defect structures will be studied which demand a resolution into many differing lifetimes, e.g. fractured specimens, wear, corrosion, etc. Also large series of measurements at small systematic modifications are planned. There is also the opportunity to analyse in addition the chemical microstructure of the specimens by means of a hydrogen microprobe and other ion beam techniques available close to FRM-II at the Technical University of Munich.

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