
The PKM partner is a farmer group in Kalimas Village, Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. The problems faced by partners are: 1) human resources who have knowledge and skills about processing technology for agricultural products, 2) partners have an entrepreneurial spirit, 3) expertise on appropriate technology that can be applied to entrepreneurship, and 4) Partners do not have the knowledge and applied skills in the field of business marketing. Solutions for community partnership programs include: 1) enhancing human resource knowledge and skills, 2) building entrepreneurial enthusiasm, 3) providing knowledge in theory and practice encompassing the overall expertise of appropriate technology that can be applied to entrepreneurship, and 4) provide knowledge and skills in product processing and product marketing. Output Targets; 1) knowledge and skills of human resources increase, 2) foster an entrepreneurial spirit, 3) partners have the knowledge and skills in implementing appropriate technology, 4) partners have the knowledge to manage a business management system, and 5) partners have the product marketing knowledge and skills and can implement them. The method to be applied in achieving the objectives of the activity is; 1) socialization, training and processing assistance, 2) business management training, 3) training and product marketing demonstration, 4) assistance in product marketing the results of PKM activities are partners having skills in processing black sticky rice into products that have added value and partners having motivation to develop business of processed black sticky rice


  • The PKM partner is a farmer group in Kalimas Village, Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan

  • The problems faced by partners are

  • expertise on appropriate technology that can be applied to entrepreneurship

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Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dibalai Desa Kalimas Kecamatan Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya, selain lokasi strategis dan kondisi jalan yang baik, pemilihan lokasi ini juga bertujuan memudahkan akses seluruh mitra yang terlibat. Sambil di aduk-aduk agar air daun pandan, gula merah, serta garam, panasnya tercampur merata, dikukus kembali tepung ketan dilarutkan bersama santan yang hingga matang, diangkat dan ditambahkan ke encer sampai merata, lalu dituangkan ke wadah yang besar seperti nampan kemudian dalam didihan santan kental sedikit-sedikit, diratakan dan didiamkan sampai dingin, lalu diaduk terus menerus hingga merata, kemudian dialasi dengan daun pisang sampai Selanjutnya adonan dituangkan kepada rapih. Dimasukkan lapisan pertama beras loyang yang sudah dialasi dengan ketan dan taburi dengan ragi hingga merata. menggunakan daun pisang, diratakan, Untuk lapisan yang kedua beras ketan, kemudian didinginkan

Untuk menutupi permukaan gunakan daun
Pengolahan rengginang mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga
Pengolahan cengkarok
Tape menaon dodol
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