
In a supersymmetric compactification of Type II supergravity, preservation of mathcal{N} = 1 supersymmetry in four dimensions requires that the structure group of the generalized tangent bundle TM ⨁ T∗M of the six dimensional internal manifold M is reduced from SO(6) to SU(3) × SU(3). This topological condition on the internal manifold implies existence of two globally defined compatible pure spinors Φ1 and Φ2 of non-vanishing norm. Furthermore, these pure spinors should satisfy certain first order differential equations. In this paper, we show that non-Abelian T-duality (NATD) is a solution generating transformation for these pure spinor equations. We first show that the pure spinor equations are covariant under Pin(d, d) transformations. Then, we use the fact NATD is generated by a coordinate dependent Pin(d, d) transformation. The key point is that the flux produced by this transformation is the same as the geometric flux associated with the isometry group, with respect to which one implements NATD. We demonstrate our method by studying NATD of certain solutions of Type IIB supergravity with SU(2) isometry and SU(3) structure.


  • Field Theory, it gives rise to geometric flux fijk = Cijk

  • The key point is that the flux produced by this transformation is the same as the geometric flux associated with the isometry group, with respect to which one implements non-Abelian T-duality (NATD)

  • The geometry supports an SU(3) structure with associated pure spinors, and it was checked by direct computation that the NAT dual of these pure spinors satisfied the supersymmetry equations proving that NAT dual background preserved at least N = 1 supersymmetry

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Invariance under NATD

According to the discussions in the previous subsection and the paragraph above, this means that the untwisted fields (which have no dependence on the isometry directions) satisfy the deformed pure spinor equations (3.48), (3.49), where the deformation is determined by the flux associated with the matrices L and SL This is just geometric flux with fijk = Cijk, see [17]. Due to the special form of the NATD matrix: SNATD = CnSθ, the associated flux can be computed by calculating the flux associated with Sθ first (which gives the H-flux) and raising one index with Jn6 This yields geometric flux with fijk = Cijk, and we already know that the untwisted pure spinors satisfy these deformed equations due to the existence of isometry respected by the initial background and the pure spinors associated with it.

Conclusions and outlook
B NAT-dual pure spinors
C Mukai pairing
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