
Abstract The paper presents the results of a pilot project implementing WAG injection at the oilfield with carbonate reservoir, characterized by low efficiency of traditional waterflooding. The objective of the pilot project was to evaluate the efficiency of this enhanced oil recovery method for conditions of the specific oil field. For the initial introduction of WAG, an area of the reservoir with minimal potential risks has been identified. During the test injections of water and gas, production parameters were monitored, including the oil production rates of the reacting wells and the water and gas injection rates of injection wells, the change in the density and composition of the produced fluids. With first positive results, the pilot area of the reservoir was expanded. In accordance with the responses of the producing wells to the injection of displacing agents, the injection rates were adjusted, and the production intensified, with the aim of maximizing the effect of WAG. The results obtained in practice were reproduced in the simulation model sector in order to obtain a project curve characterizing an increase in oil recovery due to water-alternating gas injection. Practical results obtained during pilot testing of the technology show that the injection of gas and water alternately can reduce the water cut of the reacting wells and increase overall oil production, providing more efficient displacement compared to traditional waterflooding. The use of WAG after the waterflooding provides an increase in oil recovery and a decrease in residual oil saturation. The water cut of the produced liquid decreased from 98% to 80%, an increase in oil production rate of 100 tons/day was obtained. The increase in the oil recovery factor is estimated at approximately 7.5% at gas injection of 1.5 hydrocarbon pore volumes. Based on the received results, the displacement characteristic was constructed. Methods for monitoring the effectiveness of WAG have been determined, and studies are planned to be carried out when designing a full-scale WAG project at the field. This project is the first pilot project in Russia implementing WAG injection in a field with a carbonate reservoir. During the pilot project, the technical feasibility of implementing this EOR method was confirmed, as well as its efficiency in terms of increasing the oil recovery factor for the conditions of the carbonate reservoir of Eastern Siberia, characterized by high water cut and low values of oil displacement coefficients during waterflooding.

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