
Talking about Islamic education in Aceh means that it will be confronted with the embryos of Islamic education in the archipelago. The Perlak Kingdom which was founded in 840 AD was the first Islamic kingdom. Arab influence is very strong in the development of Islam in Aceh, especially during the reign of the Caliph of the Abbasids. Some Islamic educational institutions in the Sultanate of Aceh are Meunasah which are traditional educational institutions and become basic education institutions in every village in Aceh. In the learning process, meunasah teaches about the basics of Islamic education. Rangkang is a secondary education institution and is a continuation of the meunasah. For students who want to continue their education to dayah, then he must attend education in the arena. In its journey, the framework is also called middle-level dayah education. Dayah is also referred to as a higher education institution in Aceh, because what is taught is adults and already have knowledge about Islam. Dayah education covers two levels: i.e. intermediate level and high level. Middle level dayah education is called fram and high level education is called bale. Whereas the most influential cleric was Hamzah Fansuri who was famous for his poems Samsuddin Sumatrani who had an important role in the Sultanate of Aceh. Nuruddin ar-Raniri, a follower of the Rifa’iyah order he obtained through Ba Syaiban, obtained this tarekat from his teacher Sheikh Muhamad al-Aidarusi, the spiritual grandfather of ar-Raniri Abdurrauf Singkel, he was also known as the Syiah Kuala or Teungku in Kuala. Keyword: Pillars of Education, Institutions, Ulama, Sultanate of Aceh

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