
Analyze the volume and structure of consumption of drugs for the treatment of Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in Ukraine for 2016-2018 and compare their consumption with data in Latvia and Estonia. Estimation of drug consumption was performed according to the ATC / DDD method. During the study, the international index DDD / 1000 inhabitants / day (DID) was calculated. The number of packages of drugs sold during the year in Ukraine was taken from the information system "Pharmexplorer” of the company "Morion” (November 2016-2018). DDD for drugs was obtained from the WHO website (http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/). The level of drug consumption in Latvia and Estonia was estimated using statistics from these countries. The highest consumption in all countries studied was found for tamsulosin. Its consumption levels in Ukraine amounted to 1.93-2.71 DID, in Estonia - 6.25-7.22 DID, and in Latvia - 4.08-5.14 DID. The second leader in consumption in the two comparison countries, apart from Ukraine, was the combination of tamsulosin and dutasteride. The level of consumption of this combination in Estonia (2.71-3.34 DID), on average, exceeded the level in Ukraine 49 times, and in Latvia - 12 times. The third leader in consumption in Ukraine and Estonia were herbal preparations of Sabalis serrulatae, which were absent in the Latvian. The third leader in consumption In Latvia was finasteride (0.97-1.00 DID). In terms of the total consumption of study drugs, the clear leader was Estonia, in second place - Latvia and Ukraine took the last place. The alpha-1-blocker tamsulosin was the leader in the level of consumption among drugs for the treatment of BPH in Ukraine, Estonia, and Latvia during 2016-2018. In terms of consumption of the studied drugs, the first place was taken by Estonia, the second - Latvia, and Ukraine - the last place.

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