
The rapidly growing interest in Neoplatonism is evidenced by both numerous publications and new research projects devoted to the study of various segments of its topics. The subject of research is the neoplatonic vision of the mind. According to Plotinus, rational procedures are insufficient for understanding God. Starting from a certain point, rational thinking should stop, making way for the mystical ecstasy that unites us with the one. The article reconstructs the worldview behind these provisions. It is noted that Christianity in an unusual way is in harmony with Neoplatonism. Neoplatonism and Christianity equally see very important points in the overall picture of the Universe, especially with regard to the place of the mind in it. The mind seeks to find in this world the necessary and strict rules of the game, guided by which you can build an evolutionary strategy for life. The logos -mind, according to the description of the plan and philosophies, is responsible for two spheres of perception of the Universe. On the one hand, it controls and transmits knowledge of the external world, on the other; it indicates the insufficiency of purely scientific information. Mind shows that Cosmos is not the cause of itself, that everything created has its eternal Creator. The authors point out that the ideas of the history and destiny of man are not in the center of attention of the Neoplatonists, contemplating the beauty of the Cosmos as a whole. Neoplatonism views life, above all in its moral aspect, as constant communication with the ranks of the celestial hierarchy,which help a person to acquire genuine knowledge. It was concluded that the neoplatonic tradition of philosophy existed not only as a means of knowing God by man, but also as a specific form of life that included some functions of religion and was aimed at bringing up a special, intellectual and spiritual type of person capable and go back to the Absolute. Unfortunately, the European “intellectual” orientation of knowledge has forgotten about the real nature of mind, its dramatic lack of self-sufficiency, which can be fully expressed only in the integrity of human existence as a triad: spirit, soul, body. The drama of mind is that it is impossible for it not to point out the existence of God, but it cannot go beyond recognizing the presence of God. Keywords: Absolute, knowledge, mysticism, Plotinus, mind, Universum

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