
Shevchenko's celebrations since their founding were demonstrations of national identity in terms of foreign domination, the act of demonstrating the unity of Ukrainians through creative expression. Since the first years of honoring the anniversary of the poet there have been combined concerts-academies, in their programs leading place belongs to the rants, choral works acappella, vocal and chamber compositions which are directly related to the poetic word. There are few orchestral and choral compositions because of the lack of substantial capacity among professionally trained performing forces. There are still less in programs of celebrations instrumental works: compositions for the piano, the violin, the bandura, the harp, the violin and the guitar, the string quartet. The best artistic forces are involved to their arranging as it is not so much about the national resistance to foreign oppression, but about the possibility of unification national community around ethical idea (and symbolic figure who embodies it) in the state system, where it appears as marginalized segment of society. The aim of the research is to consider the participation of pianists in Shevchenko`s celebrations of Ukrainian Diaspora centers in terms of their missions, programs, and the inspiration of the composer's creative figure and works of the poet in the piano genres of concert and didactic plan to position of similarity and differences from the general artistic processes on Ukrainian territories. An important aspect of presentation piano art in terms of Shevchenko's celebrations is to include not only compositions with piano accompaniment , but a purely instrumental works in the programs of concerts, parties, festivals, academies that set the special requirements to artists and performers. These particular samples of classics and the most modern Ukrainian piano literature, the performance of which is intended to show a decent level of professional piano forces of Ukrainians and provide collective programs with higher artistic level. Among participants of Shevchenko`s celebrations there are names from Europe, not only among Ukrainian, but also Polish, Czech , Austrian instrumentalists. Researchers of functioning Vienna Sich mention that leading Ukrainian professional musicians were often involved in its concert programs. A special group is instrumental compositions inspired by the works of the poet. Initiated by memorial opuses, they gradually formed a powerful bases of instrumental art specimens oriented on concert queries of those performers at home and among the Diaspora. Tonal basis of such compositions are folk songs on texts by Shevchenko, his favorite songs and popular works associated with honoring of the poet. An interesting phenomenon was the creation of songs for children audience and didactic plays of Shevchenko`s subject for Diaspora centers of children's music education. Examination representation of piano art in programs of Shevchenko`s celebrations of Diaspora environment allows to make a conclusion. Piano performance (solo, chamber, accomponist) in concert programs of Shevchenko`s celebrations in centers of Ukrainian Diaspora regardless of territorial move of the centers were represented by the best local and invited Ukrainian performers: Lyubka Kolessa (Canada), Roman Sawickij, Daria Hordynsky – Karanovych, Yuri Olijnyk, Vadym Kipa, Martha Kravtsiv- Barabash, Borys Maksymovych, R.Rudnytskyj, U.Osinchuk, M. Suk and others. It was characterized by consolidation efforts with foreign artists teachers, students and performers-beginners participated, they were able to gain performing experience and demonstrate citizenship in Shevchenko`s programs. Concert programs were formed on the basis of worlds classics performances (the professionalism was demonstrated by professional piano interpreters) first performance of latest works by Ukrainian artists (including Diaspora centers thanks to it popularization of national piano works on the international level was realized) as well as works connected with the works or personality of Shevchenko. Permanent sociocultural request works on this theme served as a powerful stimulus for the composer's creativity not only for concerts ( in solo, chamber and vocal and instrumental casts with piano), but also didactic literature. Availability and patriotic upbringing direction lay the foundations for conservation, the continuity and development of national traditions, including in the area of piano art.

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