
The relict communities of Prunus lusitanica are globally threatened, mainly by climatic and anthropic factors. Solid knowledge about floristic composition and serial dynamics provides a valuable basis for the implementation of management and conservation measures. This article focuses on peculiar communities that occur in hydric-compensated areas of the Iberian Peninsula and south of France, a submediterranean ecotonal area. A hierarchical cluster analysis allowed to identify two new syntaxa. For the first time an association of Prunus lusitanica, Lonicero periclymeni-Prunetum lusitanicae ass. nova, is reported for France, representing the mature stage of a minoriseries of vegetation, attributed to Lonicerion periclymeni. The discovery of populations of P. lusitanica in valleys embedded in the Municipality of Mação (Portugal), represent the new association Smilaco asperae-Prunetum lusitanicae ass. nova, enriched by thermophilous taxa. This relict association occurs in the South Beira District and corresponds to the southern limit of the natural distribution area in mainland Portugal, integrated in the suballiance Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmenion minoris. Additional notes on the occurrence of P. lusitanica in other areas of the Iberian Peninsula are provided.

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