
The paper presents the results of research into the formation of phytosanitary conditions for spring wheat crops grown with No-Till technology, compared to the traditional one, with regard to basic pests and diseases. The long-term stationary experiment was laid down in 2008 on leached сhernozem in the Central forest-steppe Ob agrolandscape district of Novosibirsk region. At the beginning of development of No-Till technology, plant residues decomposed on the soil surface almost completely, but after fi ve years of use, a mulch cover began to form, which did not decompose during the vegetative period. This affected the temperature dynamics of the upper soil layer. With No-Till technology it was 1.1-6.0 °C lower. This infl uenced settling of barley fl ea beetles in crops. On average, over the last 7 years of experiment, their number was 2.4 times lower in wheat crops grown with No-Till technology compared to traditional one. Damage of main shoots by intra-stem pests was 1.5 times, and lateral ones 1.4 times higher in wheat crops with traditional technology compared to No-Till. In contrast, presence of wheat thrips larvae in ears was 1.3 times higher when using No-Till compared to traditional technology. Despite the accumulation of plant residues on the soil surface, there was no signifi cant increase in the damage to plants by common root rot with No-Till technology. On average, when using No-Till technology wheat root system was affected by 1.8% more compared to the traditional one. The problem of root rot can be solved by including phytosanitary crops in the crop rotation, like oats and oil radish. There were no signifi cant differences in the development of leaf infections (Septoria blight, powdery mildew, brown rust) between both technologies. Timely use of fungicides eliminates the problem of leaf diseases. The study showed that problems with pests and diseases are solved by the chemical treatments included in the technology, and that with No-Till technology additional protective measures are not required.

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