
The paper presents descriptions of some of the most common apple pests. In Uzbekistan, the apple tree is one of the most important fruit trees. Damage to the apple tree must be controlled, and for this, all types of pests must be studied. Horticultural products from Uzbekistan are in demand on the world market. Currently, the export of food, fruit and vegetable products totaled about 5 billion dollars. Over the past three years, the volume of exported agricultural products has more than tripled. On fruit crops, one of the most dangerous pests are mites. Biological control measures on these crops have not yet been developed to the perfection as against pests belonging to the class of insects. There are studies where effects on the number of spider mites on an apple tree are noticed, where varieties with weak and medium pubescence are especially affected by the mite, and varieties with felt pubescence are slightly damaged.

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