
A survey of a phytoperiphyton study in the 11 watercourses of the North Coast of Onega Lake is presented. Taxonomic composition, ecology, and spatial dynamics of attached communities are analyzed. A total of 232 species, varieties, and forms of algae from 6 divisions were identified: Cyanophyta (Cyanoprokaryota) (16), Bacillariophyta (166), Chlorophyta (38) and others (7). The most diverse in phytoperiphyton are diatoms from the genera Navicula, Fragilaria, and Achnanthes (23, 17 and 16 taxa respectively). Fragilariaceae (24 species), Naviculaceae (78), and Desmidiaceae (23) are the most important families in terms of phytocenology. In total, they comprise 125 species: more than 50% of revealed algal species. Dominant complex is represented by moderate range of species being resistant to dynamic water load. It is indicated that ecologo-geographical composition of algae is dominated by widespread oligohalobial species being alkaliphilic or indifferent to medium pH. Most saprobity-indicator species are oligo-, oligo-beta- forms, suggesting that human activities do not have a considerable impact on the water bodies.

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