
Background: The problem of aging remains relevant in the modern world, with a notable connection between aging and nutrition. It is important to find a way to slow down aging. Integration lymphology with functional food theory (or phytodietics) is the most promising idea. Detection of lymphotropic properties in bioactive food ingredients will increase the lymphatic system activity in aging. Our task is to improve the protective status of lymph nodes by taking a phytomineral product in aging. Objective: The research purpose is to provide evidence of the use of a plant-mineral complex to activate the lymph system (lymph nodes) in aging. Participants in the experiment are 160 Wistar rats divided into groups of old and young animals. Half of the aging animals took an additional food plant-mineral complex "IQdetoxSORB". The basis of the food complex is physiologically acting substances such as flavonoids, trace elements, food fibers, and others.Methods: Different methods have been applied to study systems forming components of lymph nodes. The system of lymph node compartments was examined by a histological method. The liquid component of the organ is evaluated by a thermogravimetric method. Lymph node trace elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se) were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation (RFA SR). The StatPlus Pro license program and statistical analysis of dynamic series were used to process digital data.Results: We first presented data on the effect of functional nutrition on the lymphatic system and proved the lymphotropic properties of the plant-mineral complex. The bioactive ingredients of the complex (flavonoids, trace elements, food fibers) are useful and influence the lymphatic system, improving health in old age. The increase in lymphatic system activity occurs through the implementation of a lymphosanation mechanism due to the stimulating and protective effects of plant ingredients. Intake of the phytomineral complex accelerates lymph flow, modifies lymph node compartments, and restores trace element balance. The positive effect depends on the formation of an association of bioelements with lymphoid compartments. A plant-based diet corrects and increases the protective status of lymph nodes. The result is a slowdown in age-induced changes in peripheral lymphoid organs. Conclusion: As an element of functional nutrition, the plant-mineral complex contains bioactive ingredients - flavonoids, trace elements, and food fibers. These bioactive substances alter the existing status of the lymphatic system, increasing protective potential. Increased activity of the lymph system (lymph nodes) is an argument for slowing aging and preventing age-associated pathology. The information presented is the basis for recommending plant-mineral complexes for wellness programs of anti-aging.Keywords:lymphatic system; lymph nodes; compartments; trace elements; gerontology, phytotherapy, nutriciology.

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