
Plants are a major source of medicine with a variety of biological deliberations, including antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal activities. This study aimed to determine the phytochemical and GC-MS composition, in addition to the larvicidal potentiality of Lantana camara red petals collected from Wad Medani city, Gezira State, Sudan. The dried granules of red petals samples of L. camara were used to run the phytochemical screening tests, whereas the counterpart ethanol extract was used for the GC-MS analysis and the larvicidal potentiality and the morphological deformities using Anopheles arabiensis Patton and Culex quinquefasciatus Say larvae. The results of these tests showed that, flavonoids, steroids and terpenoids were presented in the red petals of L. camara, whereas, alkaloids, glycosides, saponnins and tannins were not detected. The GC-MS identified 42 compounds from the ethanol extract of the red petals, of which Benzyl beta d-glucoside (23.83%), 6-O-acetyl-1[[4-bromophenyl]thio]-beta- (10.12%), Galactopyranoside,1-octylthio-1-deoxy- (9.28%) and the terpenoids caryophyllene (1.40%), Beta-curcumene (1.66%) and Trans-sesquisabinene hydrate (1.72%) were the main components. At the concentration of 1120 mg/L of red ethanol extract, 50% of Anopheles, and 47.5% of Culex larvae were survived after 24 hour, but after 7 days, no one larva of Anopheles nor Culex were survived. The deformation monitored on mosquitoes larvae that submitted to Lantana red flowers were dark and swelled bodies, dark guts, loose bodies, dead and stretched body-pupae, in addition to dead emerged adults and emergence of short wings adults.

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