
Alangium lamarkii (Alangiaceae) is commonly known as “Ankol”. In Ayurveda the leaves of the plant is useful in treatment of inflammations, blood disorders, burning sensation, spermatorrhoea, gleets, acute fever and lumbago. The root is acrid, pungent, heating, anthelmintic and alterative and useful in treatment of biliousness and inflammations etc. The juice is emetic and alexipharmic and useful in treatment of pain, blood disorders, hydrophobia, rat-bite, lumbago, dysentery and diarrhoea whereas the seeds are cooling, aphrodisiac, indigestible and tonic. The root bark is used in piles whereas fruits are considered as purgative, expectorant and carminative. In order to ensure the use of genuine and authentic material in the preparation of herbal formulations, pharmacognostical and phytochemical methods of standardization of the plant has been carried out in the present work. Macroscopic, microscopic and physico-chemical characters of the leaves of Alangium lamarkii has been carried out. Preliminary phytochemical analysis and thin layer chromatographic studies have been performed on the various extracts of the leaves of Alangium lamarkii. All these pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies can be used as a diagnostic tool for the correct identification of the plant and also to test adulteration if any.


  • Herbs are staging a comeback and herbal renaissance is happening all over the globe

  • The size of the bundle depends on the position one chooses to take in making a section

  • A bigger bundle is composed of xylem and phloem, the former occurring towards upper epidermis and later towards the lower side

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Herbs are staging a comeback and herbal renaissance is happening all over the globe. The herbal products today symbolize safety in contrast to the synthetics that are regarded as unsafe to human and environment. The blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the naturals with the hope of safety and security.[1] After decades of serious obsession with the modern medicinal system, people have started looking at the ancient healing systems like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unnani. This is because of the adverse effects associated with synthetic drugs. There is a need for documentation of research work carried out on traditional medicines 3 With this backdrop, it becomes extremely important to make an effort towards standardization of the plant material to be used as medicine.

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