
Medicinal plants possess therapeutic properties and provide pharmacological effect on the human or animal body. Couroupita guianensis also called “cannon ball tree” is a medicinal tree which has numerous medicinal properties. All the parts of the plants are used for therapeutic purposes. The present review gives the information about the phytochemical and mineral profile analysis of fruit of the particular plant. The results show that fruit of the couroupita contain various phytochemicals such as alkaloid, flavanoid, Terpenoid, tannin, phenolic compounds, carbohydrate, protein and saponin whereas phytochemicals such as catchin, anthraquinone, glycosides where found to be absent. Mineral analysis indicate that iron is found to be maximum and there are no harsh minerals found in the fruit. Many recent studies show that the fruit is edible but because of unpleasant smell people refuse to consume them. Fruit extract of Couroupita guianensis showed many pharmacological activities so it is used in investigations to isolate pharmacological active compounds which are useful for the production of novel drugs for various diseases. Keywords: Couroupita guianensis, Mineral profile, phytochemicals.

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