
Physiological recordings were obtained from identified receptors in the tympanal organ of Gryllus bimaculatus. By immersing the prothoracic leg in Ringer solution and removing the anterior tympanic membrane the auditory receptors were exposed without significantly altering the frequency response of the auditory organ (Fig. 1). Each receptor was tuned to a specific sound frequency. For sound frequencies below this characteristic frequency the roll-off in sensitivity decreased from 20-30 dB/octave to 10-15 dB/octave as the characteristic frequency of receptors increased from 3-11 kHz (Fig. 4A). For each individual receptor the slope, dynamic range and maximum spike response were similar for different sound frequencies (Fig. 9A). The receptors were tonotopically organized with the characteristic frequency of the receptors increasing from the proximal to the distal end of the array (Figs. 5, 6). Several receptors had characteristic frequencies of 5 kHz. These receptors were divided into two groups on the basis of their maximum spike response produced in response to pure tones of increasing intensity (Fig. 7). Independent of the tuning of the receptor no two-tone inhibition was observed in the periphery, thus confirming that such interactions are a property of central integration.

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