
Methylotrophic bacteria comprise a broad range of obligate aerobic microorganisms, which are able to proliferate on (a number of) compounds lacking carbon-carbon bonds. This contribution will essentially be limited to those organisms that are able to utilize methanol and will cover the physiological, biochemical and genetic aspects of this still diverse group of organisms. In recent years much progress has been made in the biochemical and genetic characterization of pathways and the knowledge of specific reactions involved in methanol catabolism. Only a few of the genetic loci hitherto found have been matched by biochemical experiments through the isolation or demonstration of specific gene products. Conversely, several factors have been identified by biochemical means and were shown to be involved in the methanol dehydrogenase reaction or subsequent electron transfer. For the majority of these components, their genetic loci are unknown. A comprehensive treatise on the regulation and molecular mechanism of methanol oxidation is therefore presented, followed by the data that have become available through the use of genetic analysis. The assemblage of methanol dehydrogenase enzyme, the role of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone, the involvement of accessory factors, the evident translocation of all these components to the periplasm and the dedicated link to the electron transport chain are now accepted and well studied phenomena in a few selected facultative methylotrophs. Metabolic regulation of gene expression, efficiency of energy conservation and the question whether universal rules apply to methylotrophs in general, have so far been given less attention. In order to expand these studies to less well known methylotrophic species initial results concerning such area as genetic mapping, the molecular characterization of specific genes and extrachromosomal genetics will also pass in review.

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