Introduction - and some challenging questions. In the beginning. Diagnostic radiology with x-rays: Introduction The imaging system and image formation Photon interactions Important physical parameters X-ray tubes Image receptors Digital radiology. Quality assurance and image improvement in diagnostic radiology with x-rays. Introduction to quality assurance: Basic quality-assurance tests for x-ray sets Specific quality-assurance tests Data collection and presentation of the results Summary of quality assurance Improvement in radiographic quality Scatter removal Contrast enhancement Summary of methods of image enhancement. X-ray transmission computed tomography: The need for sectional images The principles of sectional imaging Fourier-based solutions: The method of convolution and backprojection Iterative methods of reconstruction Other considerations. Clinical applications of X-ray computed tomography in radiotherapy planning: X-ray computed tomography scanners and their role in planning Non-standard computed tomography scanners. The physics of radioisotope imaging: Introduction Radiation detectors Radioisotope imaging equipment Radionuclides for imaging The role of computers in radioisotope imaging Static and dynamic planar scintigraphy Emission computed tomography Quality control and performance assessment of radioisotope imaging equipment Clinical applications of radioisotope imaging. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Introduction Basic physics Engineering principles of ultrasonic imaging Clinical applications and biological aspects of diagnostic ultrasound Research topics. Spatially localised nuclear magnetic resonance: Introduction The development of nuclear magnetic resonance Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequences Relaxation processes and their measurement Nuclear magnetic resonance image acquisition and reconstruction Spatially localised spectroscopy Instrumentation Nuclear magnetic resonance safety. Physical aspects of infrared imaging: Introduction Infrared photography Transilluminaton Infrared imaging Liquid-crystal thermography Microwave thermography. Imaging of tissue electrical impedance: The electrical behaviour of tissue Tissue impedance imaging Suggested clinical applications of applied potential tomography. Imaging by diaphanography: Clinical applications Physical basis of transillumination Experimental arrangements. The mathematics of image formation and image processing: The concept of object and image The relationship between object and image The general image processing problem Discrete Fourier representation and the models for imaging systems The general theory of image restoration Image sampling Two examples of image processing from modern clinical practice Iterative image processing. Perception and interpretation of images. Introduction The eye and brain as a stage in an imaging system Spatial and contrast resolution Perception of moving images Quantitative measures of investigative performance. Computer requirements of imaging systems: Single- versus multi-user systems Generation and transfer of images Processing speed Display of medical images Three-dimensional image display: methodology Three-dimensional image display: clinical applications. Epilogue: Introduction The impact of radiation hazard on medical imaging practice Attributes and relative roles of imaging modalities References. Index.
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