
In crossbred cattle bulls, poor seminal quality and freezability are major constraints. The present study was conducted to determine semen quality parameters of Vrindavani crossbred bulls. In this study 130 semen samples were collected from five Vrindavani crossbred bulls. The volume, mass motility, concentration and individual progressive motility, viability and abnormality of spermatozoa were examined. Then ejaculates were categorized into four groups on the basis of spermatozoa concentration and individual progressive motility. The percentage of normozoospermia, asthenozoopsermia, oligozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia ejaculates were 44.62%, 29.23%, 11.54% and 14.61%, respectively. The overall mean of volume, mass motility, concentration of spermatozoa, individual progressive motility, viability and sperm abnormality in semen ejaculates of crossbred Vrindavani bulls were 4.64±0.63 mL, 2.48±0.09, 772.20±27.95 million/mL, 65.08±1.47%, 79.94±1.07% and 7.82±0.44%, respectively. Ejaculate mass motility, concentration, progressive motility and abnormality of spermatozoa varied significantly (p<0.05) among the semen ejaculate categories. The mean of the mass motility was significantly higher in normozoospermia as compared to other ejaculates categories. The normozoospermia and asthenozoospermia groups had significantly higher spermatozoa concentration than oligozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia groups. The normozoospermia ejaculates had significantly higher progressive motile spermatozoa as compared to other three ejaculates categories. Percent livability of spermatozoa in normozoospermia and oligozoospermia groups were significantly higher than asthenozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia groups. Percent abnormal spermatozoa on the other hand, was significantly lower in normozoospermia and oilgozoospermia groups than asthenozoopsermia and aligoasthenozoospermia groups.

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