
ObjectiveTo assess the setting time (ST), flow (FL), radiopacity (RD), solubility (SB) and dimensional change following setting (DC) of different sealers (AH Plus®, Polifil, Apexit Plus®, Sealapex®, Endométhasone® and Endofill® according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association (ANSI/ADA) Specification 57. Material and methodsFive samples of each material were used for each test. For ST, cast rings were filled with sealers and tested with a Gilmore needle. For FL, the sealer was placed on a glass plate. After 180 s, another plate with 20 g and a load of 100 g were applied on the material, and the diameters of the discs formed were measured. In RD, circular molds were filled with the sealers, radiographed and analyzed using Digora software. For SB, circular molds were filled with the sealers, a nylon thread was placed inside the material and another glass plate was positioned on the set, pressed and stored at 37ºC. Samples were weighed, placed in water, dried and reweighed. The water used for SB was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. For DC, circular molds were filled with the sealers, covered by glass plates and stored at 37ºC. Samples were measured and stored in water for 30 days. After this period, they were dryed and measured again. ResultsRegarding ST, AH Plus®, Apexit® and Endofil® sealers are in accordance with ANSI/ADA standards. Endométhasone's manufacturer did not mention the ST; Polifil is an experimental sealer and Sealapex® did not set. Considering RD, SB and DC, all sealers were in accordance with ANSI/ADA. The spectrometric analysis showed that a significant amount of K+ and Zn2+ ions was released from Apexit Plus® and Endofill®, respectively. ConclusionExcept for DC, all other physicochemical properties of the tested sealers conformed to ANSI/ADA requirements.


  • Since the first studies on the prognosis of endodontic therapy, the quality of root canal ¿OOLQJ KDV EHHQ FRQVLGHUHG HVVHQWLDO IRU WUHDWPHQW success22

  • Due to the diversity of composition of the available sealers and considering the ANSI/ADA standards, the objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the physiochemical properties of sealers of different bases: Endofill® and Endométhasone®, Apexit Plus® and Sealapex® FDOFLXP K\GUR[LGH 3ROL¿O (Ricinus communis polymer) and AH Plus®, in order to contribute to the selection of the appropriate material for clinical practice

  • AH Plus® and Apexit Plus® are in agreement with ANSI/ADA standards

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Since the first studies on the prognosis of endodontic therapy, the quality of root canal ¿OOLQJ KDV EHHQ FRQVLGHUHG HVVHQWLDO IRU WUHDWPHQW success. The presence of voids in the root canal ¿OOLQJ IDFLOLWDWHV EDFWHULDO SUROLIHUDWLRQ DQG WKH perpetuation of periapical lesions. Among the several factors that can interfere. LQ WKH URRW FDQDO ¿OOLQJ WKH HQGRGRQWLF VHDOHUV stand out. LQ WKH URRW FDQDO ¿OOLQJ WKH HQGRGRQWLF VHDOHUV stand out1,3,14,16,17 These materials should present biocompatibility and suitable antimicrobial and physiochemical properties. These materials should present biocompatibility and suitable antimicrobial and physiochemical properties5,19 In this context, LW LV LPSRUWDQW WR VWXG\ WKH SURSHUWLHV RI WKH ¿OOLQJ materials in order to establish the appropriate parameters for the development of new products, as well as to evaluate those already available on the market.

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